30+ Photos That Prove Walmart Is One Wacky Place

This entire picture is unsettling, but we get the feeling this woman is aiming to achieve a record of some sort. Or rather, we can’t imagine why she would be doing this to herself if that wasn’t the case. There doesn’t seem to be any advantages to having nails this long, after all. It just seems like even everyday tasks would be immensely difficult with this kind of obstacle in your way. But, surely she knows better than anyone why she has such nails and what she’s aiming to achieve with them.


Take What You Can Get

We’re assuming this guy was dragged to Walmart by his friends even though he hasn’t slept in 24 hours. That being said, we can’t blame him for taking whatever opportunity is available to take a little rest, even if the blankets and the pillows are comprised entirely of meat. But maybe he should have considered the furniture section of the store for his power nap: somehow, we get the feeling that his bed of choice is very cold, and that hoodie probably isn’t helping all that much.

Take What you can Get

Even Worse Than a Mullet

Bad haircuts are a dime a dozen at Walmart, but this one is particularly noteworthy because it looks like a very half-hearted attempt to pull off a mullet. Or at least, that’s our best interpretation of whatever this happens to be. If this man is trying to relive his youth, he may want to take into consideration that he no longer has enough hair to really make it happen. But hey, we’re not going to crush his dreams of luscious hair.

Even Worse Than a Mullet

Public Piracy and Exhibition

Nearly every Walmart has a changing room somewhere, and yet, many, many people feel the need to try clothes or costumes on in the middle of the store, in front of everyone. Why did this couple feel the need to practice for Halloween? Who knows. What we do know is that we’re a little iffy on trying out Walmart clothes or costumes ourselves, knowing that strangers are putting them on willy-nilly right in the aisles whenever they want.

Public Piracy and Exhibition

Welcome to the Jungle

Seeing animals in Walmart isn’t exactly anything new. People bring their dogs of course, but other creatures that have been seen include turtles, snakes, birds and now, ferrets. Why this man has a ferret is a mystery, though maybe it serves the purpose of an emotional support animal. That said, there’s a little bit of concern over having a rodent of sorts around a place where people are buying food, but apparently no Walmart employee felt this was a problem.

Welcome to the Jungle

All Dogs go to Walmart

Speaking of animals, we did say that dogs are pretty common in the world of Walmart, but three still seems a little excessive. Maybe this woman just doesn’t want any of her fur babies to feel left out, so she brings all of them along every single time. Still, we can’t help but hope these dogs are well-behaved, because they would have no problem at all jumping out of this buggy and making a break for freedom.

All Dogs go to Walmart

Fashion Folly 101

Putting your shirt on backward is one of the oldest and most common mistakes in regards to dressing yourself. But really, how does one put on a Polo shirt backward without noticing, and without feeling the disturbance after having it on? Then again, who says it was a mistake? Maybe this young fellow is just postulating a new fashion trend and the rest of us are behind the curve?

Fashion Folly 101

Those Darn Newfangled Trends

The fact that people are taking plungers and sticking them to their bodies is evidence that the newest trend is always wackier than the last one. Were they just bored while passing the aisle with the plungers? Or did they come to Walmart with this plan specifically in mind? But hey, they appear to be having fun at any rate. The real question is, at what point do Walmart employees actually intervene on things like this?

Those Darn Newfangled Trends

Making it Crystal Clear

Is this person asserting their gender as clearly and obviously as possible so people will stop misidentifying them? Or did they just lose a bet with one of their best friends? Either way, this definitely seems like something worthy of a cocked eyebrow while grocery shopping at Walmart. On the bright side, at least this individual knows that Great Value cereal is by far the best choice for their wallet, so whatever the reason for that sign, they’ve got real wisdom.

Making it Crystal Clear

If the Dress Fits

As we’ve said before, lots of people have a strange penchant for changing clothes in public as far as Walmart is concerned. But dropping one’s pants right there in the middle of the aisle sure seems like a little much, even for Walmart. But on the bright side, the man in question got that dress on pretty quick, so at least any innocent eyes are spared the view so long as he keeps it on.

If the Dress Fits

Half-n-Half Class

As we’ve proven already, fashion statements are one of the most eye-catching things going on at Walmart at any point in time. This old man’s choice of fashion makes us curious what type of event requires half of a tuxedo and a kilt. But we could accept the tux and the kilt as part of something mildly reasonable. The real question is, what on Earth is the deal with the pink tights? That’s a lot harder to fathom.

Half-n-Half Class

Making a Return

We’re sure this woman just felt the need to put her sleeping child down somewhere. Maybe her arms were tired, or she needed both hands for something with the cashier. But it’s a lot funnier to think that she is either making a return or checking out with a child. Really though, this just seems like one of those things that the cashier should respond to, maybe along the lines of, “ma’am, please don’t do that.”

Making a Return

Some Whole-Hearted Family Fun

OK, so not everything at Walmart has to be weird in the bad way. Some of it is really wholesome, even if it still… a little weird. We’re not sure if these shoppers are actually related, but the picture sure gives off that “cool dad with his fun-loving kids” kind of vibe. We’re not sure the last time Walmart sold giant stuffed animal heads for the whole family, but we sure wish they’d bring it back, or point us to what aisle they’re selling them on.

Some Whole-Hearted Family Fun

Walmart Wedding Bells

Personally, Walmart isn’t the place we’d want to have our wedding. But if you just can’t wait to tie the knot or there’s just no time to plan, we suppose there are worse places you could choose. We don’t actually know the story here, so either they had a good reason or they just really love Walmart. Whatever the situation, the couple seems perfectly happy with it, so who is anyone else to judge? Still, it’s a pretty odd thing to stumble across while on a retail excursion: all in a day’s work for Walmart, though.

Walmart Wedding Bells

Haven’t We All?

OK, so maybe we didn’t all use this exact position while riding in a buggy as a kid, but nearly all of us sat in the buggy one way or another at least once. That said, most of us were probably not sweeping the floor with our hair if we could help it. We’re not really sure why no one is stopping this from happening since it seems really unsanitary and a tad dangerous, but hey, the kid is almost definitely enjoying his thorough examination of the floor.

Haven’t We All?

The Zoo Expands

We’ve shown both dogs and ferrets here, the latter of which is odd but at least native to the USA. What we don’t see very often in public America is a monkey. Seeing one at Walmart is somehow not a surprise, however. Why this woman has a monkey we have no idea, but they seem to know each other pretty well. Is it even legal to own a monkey as a pet in this country? Considering that this woman hasn’t been arrested yet, we’re assuming it is, under the right circumstances.

The Zoo Expands

Not as Necessary as We Thought

We all like to take it easy and be a little lazy from time to time, but considering that some people actually need these machines to get around, it just doesn’t seem all that courteous to take one of them if you make it this obvious that it isn’t needed. For her own sake though, the good lady probably shouldn’t stand on that thing, as a tumble from up there could hurt.

Not as Necessary as We Thought

The Future of Hybrid Shoes

Footwear hasn’t actually evolved much over the past century. No need, after all. But sometimes, people still try. We’re not sure if these sneaker/sandal hybrids are officially sold by Walmart or if the person wearing them was just trying to make a statement, but it is what it is. That said, would these shoes really be that useful or comfortable? One way or another, they were apparently comfortable enough to take a trip to Walmart with.

The Future of Hybrid Shoes

Hefty Hairstyles

Long hair just doesn’t get the respect it deserves. But when you have hair this long, and in this particular style, it looks unusually… tail-like. It’s almost like one massive dreadlock, and we’re not sure we want to know how long it took for the guy to get his hair to this level. This is certainly the type of sight one may come across while visiting literally any Walmart, but so long as this guy doesn’t whip his hair too hard, that sight will at least refrain from being a lethal weapon.

Hefty Hairstyles

Daddy’s Little Shopper

To be fair to this fully grown man, it could be Halloween. To be even more fair to him, Harley Quinn is by far the more likable member of the Joker/Quinn duo. Still, it’s a little odd to see him standing right next to a normally dressed companion. Still though, he clearly wasn’t dedicated enough, because he’s totally missing a laughably large hammer. Then again, he can probably find one of those in Walmart, so maybe that explains the whole photo?

Daddy’s Little Shopper

Turtle Travesty

Alright, we aren’t going to give this person any heat for bringing their turtle to Walmart. After all, we’ve already seen ferrets, dogs and monkeys. What we’re really questioning is the fact that this turtle is on a leash. Surely it isn’t going to keep up with the people leading it around. Maybe she is lifting the turtle every time she moves, but in that case, why have it on a leash at all? There just seems to be nothing but problems as far as bringing a turtle to Walmart is concerned, but somehow we aren’t really surprised.

Turtle Travesty

Are They Even Pants?

Ripped jeans are hardly anything new, but how many tears can one pair of pants have before they aren’t really pants anymore? This girl seems to think the answer to that question is at least fifteen. We’re not knocking her fashion choices, but at this point, why not just wear shorts? Did she pay for these jeans that are missing half their fabric? Or did she make all the tears herself? Either way, we’re not sure how we feel about the practicality to aesthetic ratio of this fashion choice.

Are They Even Pants?

Regrets Are Forever Too

Lots of tattoos seem like good ideas when we’re young. But sometimes you have to wonder how much thought really went into the decision to get a tattoo like this one, and on the back of the head no less. It certainly means a lot of cameras will be pointing at the back of your head in public, at any rate. But hey, maybe he got the tattoo to ward off tigers? Supposedly they won’t attack someone if they think the person can see them, in which case he may truly be the wisest of us all…

Regrets Are Forever Too

All Aboard

Those nifty little scooters at Walmart are often used in mysterious ways, but it’s not every day that you see trains of them driving around the store. These folks decided that just such a train would be a much more entertaining way of shopping, for both themselves and their fellow shoppers. It doesn’t seem like it would be all that easy to maneuver this train of scooters, but apparently it works well enough to get these shoppers where they’re going, one way or another.

All Aboard

Multi-Tasking Master

Most people aim to look decent before they go out, but Walmart has a reputation for being one of those places you can go while looking like absolutely anything, which is why this girl probably sees no reason not to kill two birds with one stone. Why wait at home for your face mask to finish when there’s shopping to be done? At Walmart, no one will judge you for doing both at the same time! Or at least, they probably won’t be too vocal about it.

Multi-Tasking Master

A True Retail Hero

Apparently seeing people in costume isn’t actually all that rare at Walmart, but seeing people fully decked out in superhero attire is still a little noteworthy. Captain America needs to shop for groceries just like everyone else, and like everyone else, he apparently does so at Walmart. Hopefully whatever he is getting here has something to do with helping the Avengers, otherwise Nick Fury might have a few words about him gallivanting around so openly.

A True Retail Hero

Streaking Takedown

People get arrested from time to time at Walmart, generally for shoplifting. But this particular individual was probably taken down for indecent exposure, which isn’t really a surprise since he is in his boxers and nothing else. Then again, how is he supposed to buy clothes if he can’t go to Walmart? We’re sure this poor guy won’t get much more than a reprimand, but it sure does seem unfair that he gets taken down while another guy drops his pants to try on a dress unmolested by the authorities.

Streaking Takedown

Reptiles Are Welcome Too

It seems that everyone is keen to bring their pets to Walmart at one point or another. And since we’ve seen plenty of other interesting entries so far, why not this lizard as well? At least, unlike a certain turtle on a leash, this little guy can ride along with his human companion easily. Now all we have to do is find someone with a bird and a fish in Walmart and an entire zoo will be available for the public, free of charge.

Reptiles Are Welcome Too

Freedom of Expression, Young and Old

Why this old man has donned a dress is an enigma only he knows the answer to. Maybe he just felt like mixing it up, or maybe he lost a dare. Either way, his visage is one that fits remarkably well with the typical idea of what goes down in Walmart. All things considered, this old man does actually look quite fashionable, so maybe he just felt like strutting his stuff for all to see, which is something none of us can really judge him for.

Freedom of Expression, Young and Old

Clear-Cut Rules

Most people don’t go up to touch another person’s baby without permission, but for this woman, that apparently happens so often that she felt the need to place a sign over her baby’s head to ward off such people. Frankly, the implication that it has happened that much to her is a little frightening. On the other hand, maybe she’s just trying to ward off weirdoes if she leaves her baby alone for a while, but for many reasons, we’re hoping that she doesn’t actually do that, even if it makes for a funny picture.

Clear-Cut Rules

Art Is Beyond Comprehension

Seeing this man raises many questions we’re not sure anyone has the answer to. Did this happen to him in Walmart or did he show up to Walmart looking like this? Was it intentional or an accident? And is it really art? That question is somewhat hard to answer, so we’re just going to say yes. Granted, this man doesn’t look particularly happy about his situation, so maybe he was actually just in an accident, and he’s come to Walmart to clean up? In that case, maybe this whole image makes a lot more sense.

Art Is Beyond Comprehension

Bringing it Back

Jorts were never really all that popular to begin with, because shortened jeans just don’t look all that good on most people. But even so, there’s a way to rock just about anything, and this guy is definitely achieving just that. And who knows, maybe it’s really hot at this Walmart? Or perhaps he’s just reliving the glory days of the ’80s, considering that his entire ensemble is pretty old-school. But hey, there’s nothing wrong with reliving the glory days if you can still make it look good.

Bringing it Back

Bonding With the Daughter

The older generation can sometimes find it difficult to understand their younger counterparts. Maybe this man is trying to get into the mind of the younger generation by trying out some of their fashion choices? If so, he’s probably finding those leggings a lot more comfortable than he imagined. Whether or not he’s discovering a new world of fashion, this type of image is definitely something that doesn’t seem too far-fetched for the wacky world of Walmart. In fact, compared to some things, it probably seems rather tame.

Bonding with the Daughter

Truly Romantic

Apparently weddings aren’t all that uncommon at Walmart, but maybe this couple is just stopping by Walmart after the wedding is over? After all, newlyweds have a lot of things on the buying list before departing on their honeymoon, so it’s not too far-fetched. Even so, was their shopping list so urgent that there wasn’t even any time to change out of the wedding attire? Evidently so, because there they are, in Walmart, fully dressed for the wedding they either finished, had, or are about to have.

Truly Romantic

Someone Call CPS

This is definitely more of an alarming sight rather than an amusing one. Parents have been telling their kids not to put plastic bags over their heads of decades, but this woman seems totally fine with letting the child in front of her do something pretty dangerous. We’re hoping she would notice before the girl comes to any harm, but really, who lets their child do something like this? At least teach your children how to stay safe, and don’t overlook a hazard right in front of you.

Someone Call CPS

True Easter Passion

This quality of this image is a bit low, but even so one can see just how passionate this old man is about Easter. That’s a bit of an assumption, but it’s a little hard to see any other reason he would be dressed in such a manner, and covered in Easter symbols and memorabilia. This once again raises the question, did he show up to Walmart like this, or did he use things he found in Walmart to deck himself out in such a manner? If it’s the latter, the employees sure weren’t too keen on stopping him.

True Easter Passion

Far Too Much Info

Bad fashion choices are one thing, but Walmart has a tendency to bring out things no one really wanted to see in another manner as well. This man’s shirt is probably an attempt to be funny, but no doubt results in more cocked eyebrows and scrunched faces than anything else. That said, we’d be lying if we said this was an unusual sight for Walmart, as many people have no doubt seen much worse during their shopping trips.

Far Too Much Info

Priorities Are in Order

This couple clearly knows what the best part of Walmart really is: access to some fun and nifty plushie grabbing machines! Considering that the buggy is empty, it’s almost like they were distracted from their shopping trip by the visage of these boxes of pure joy. Then again, perhaps they are just trying to get a toy for their kid, in which case it’s actually a pretty wholesome and charming scene, compared to what’s usually happening at Walmart.

Priorities Are in Order

We Make Do

Uggs may not be the most expensive shoes in the world, but money is money, and sometimes fashion is just too much to pay for. In such situations, Walmart shoppers know exactly how to substitute in the most ridiculous manner possible. We are actually curious to know what this woman was aiming to achieve with this whole bit, but either way, it made for an amusing snippet of Walmart hilarity.

We Make Do

Underneath the Facade

We’re not sure we want to know what is happening here. We’re not ones to judge, but even so, we imagine this sight would catch anyone off guard. And who knows: maybe a long day on the job and a poor night of sleep led him to mistakenly grab his wife’s underwear instead of his own. Accidents happen, right? Or maybe he’s just an enlightened soul who understands something the rest of us don’t. The wisest men always seem a little off to the people around them, after all.

Underneath the Facade

Never Grow Old

They say the only difference between a child and an adult is that an adult can do what they want. This woman’s obvious penchant for the colorful and fun side of life seems to represent that pretty clearly, as she certainly held onto her childhood fun side more than most. All things considered, she looks like she’d be a lot of fun to hang out with, and her kids probably enjoy having a fun mom (assuming she has kids, of course!)

Never Grow Old

Pity for the Burned

These two women clearly went to the beach, but one of them obviously wore a lot more sunblock than the other. This isn’t a sight restricted to just Walmart, but it sure does seem like the poor girl on the right is very gung-ho about showing off her poor decision-making skills. We just hope her friend isn’t the kind of person that likes to slap sunburn, though if she was, the victim would probably be inclined to protect themselves better the next time she visits a beach.

Pity for the Burned

Rocking the Look

We can’t fairly say why this individual is dressed in such a manner. Whether they are a member of the traditionally underrepresented LGTBQ community or something else, the point still stands that this image is a tad unusual, mostly because this very tall individual is totally rocking an unconventional look. Whether this is fashion-forward or not we don’t know, but it’s definitely something that is only mildly out of the ordinary in the wild jungle that is Walmart.

Rocking the Look

Embracing the Legend

The King of Pop left us all quite some time ago, but his fans live on. Still, you don’t see too many people trying to imitate him this closely, even in Walmart. But hey, we’re not complaining, as imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, as they say. Let’s just hope this particular fan doesn’t leave us in as sudden and heartbreaking manner as Michael Jackson did, otherwise we’ll have to be sad about it all over again.

Embracing the Legend

The Cheapest Date

Don’t have enough money to go out on a date? Don’t own your own game consoles? Why not just go to Walmart and enjoy some free demos? If you wear camouflage to go with it, surely the employees won’t notice that you’ve been there for several hours. Granted, this is probably a pretty tame thing to see in Walmart, especially compared to many of the other things on this list thus far, but it’s still worth a mention.

The Cheapest Date

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