45+ Women Share the Absolute Worst Things Someone Said to Them During Their Pregnancy, and it Hurts to Read These

In addition to having a challenging pregnancy, expecting mothers often have to deal with unwanted questions and comments from strangers. The following are some of the most shocking, ridiculous, and pointless things others say or do. The following question has been posed on social media: “What’s the worst, weirdest, or most unsolicited piece of advice someone gave you while you were pregnant?” Here are some of the best responses.


When Those Not Pregnant Know Best

The number of people that make comments about pregnancies is crazy. Who would’ve thought anyone could go through the entire nine months of being pregnant without at least one person guessing the baby’s gender based on how the bump was being carried?

When Those Not Pregnant Know Best

Who knows why gender would have anything to do with how high the bump is but, apparently, if you’re carrying high, the baby will be a girl. Meanwhile, if you’re carrying low, it’ll be a boy. Guess that didn’t work out in this situation, huh?

What a Bizarre Question

We know that families sometimes have children with different fathers, it’s not that uncommon anymore. It’s nice when people comment on your pregnancy, but sometimes people need to keep their bizarre questions to themselves.

What a Bizarre Question

A lady was approached by a woman congratulating her on her pregnancy when she announced she was having twins. The woman then asked her if they had the same father. Number one, it’s not her business. Number two, she might need to rethink that question.

Has the Birthing Process Changed?

People with both graphic and easy births will say they’ll never forget the birthing process. Even those who had children many years apart or had their children many years ago, still remember that day.

Has the Birthing Process Changed?

We have evolved along with technology, but some people don’t realize that giving birth is the same as it’s always been. Even the children of cavemen were pushed out!

Some People Shouldn’t Speak Their Mind

Pregnancy can be a hard journey for some people, especially when you’ve struggled to get pregnant. For some, it can take years, and for others, the journey can mean hospital stays and ongoing sickness.

Some People Shouldn’t Speak Their Mind

For those who struggle to get pregnant, it can cause physical and mental strain. In these cases, you need someone to offer positive words of encouragement and understanding. Unfortunately, some people think a sense of humor is more appropriate.

Not All Music Is Harmful

There’s a wide variety of music available nowadays. Everyone has their own taste in music, from hard rock to opera. According to some, music has the power to change someone’s personality completely.

Not All Music Is Harmful

It’s proven that listening to your favorite music can be calming and uplifting, regardless of what type of music it is. Heavy metal has never been proven to be harmful to anyone at any age, but there’ll always be one person who disagrees.


Anyone who has had a baby before will tell you that you can’t put off birth and that babies don’t wait for anyone. Mother nature takes control of that one. If someone told a mother going into labor to try and hold off for another day or so, they might end up losing their front teeth.


However, there are some reasons women may try to hold off, such as waiting for the father to arrive. However, not all reasons are worth holding off for.

Not Everyone’s the Same

There are things that everyone does in the same way, but we still do most things differently. One thing this is true with is pregnancy and birth. Some parents agree on everything and never curse at each other.

Not Everyone’s the Same

Other parents fight like crazy, even over what color clothes the baby should wear. Just because one couple always fights doesn’t mean the next couple will do the same. No one should assume that everyone is the same.

Some Questions Should Be Left Unasked

Nothing is more frustrating to a pregnant momma than when people ask personal questions that are simply down to individual preference. Not everyone wants to breastfeed; some simply cannot due to medical reasons.

Some Questions Should Be Left Unasked

There’s no reason why people need to know how a woman plans to feed her baby. That’s a personal decision that only needs to happen between parents and health caregivers. Everyone else needs to mind their own business.

You Can’t Make Everyone Happy

In some cases, you’re doomed if you do and doomed if you don’t. There’s some truth in the saying ‘you can’t please everyone.’ Doing what makes you happy is the only thing that you can do.

You Can’t Make Everyone Happy

You’ll get people who think you shouldn’t have kids but are so glad when you do and immediately fall in love with that child. That same person will get really upset when you end up having another baby and worry that the first child won’t be happy.

Is There Another Way?

Pregnant women feeling big and uncomfortable when they’re close to their due date is nothing new. Undoubtedly, any woman by this time will be begging for the baby to be born as soon as possible.

Is There Another Way?

The last thing you want is people telling you that physical intimacy is the best thing to bring on labor. Well, you might be happy to get advice on how to safely bring on labor, but there’s a more polite way to say this.

The Wrong Comment

It can be very exciting when you go to the office and see the OBGYN, and they announce you’re pregnant. While exciting, it’s also overwhelming to tell someone you have a little one on the way. All you hope for is well wishes.

The Wrong Comment

Normally, whether you know the person or not, once you share the news, most people are congratulatory and feel your excitement. Unfortunately, though, there’s always that one person who says something so strange you don’t know how to take it.

Not Everyone Offers Congratulations

The first time a parent sees their child on-screen during an ultrasound can be one of the most exciting times of their lives. In some cases, a woman might believe she’s carrying only one child but then discover that she’s carrying twins after the ultrasound. Happy news! Double the joy!

Not Everyone Offers Congratulations

Usually, everyone’s excited to hear the news, but what do you do when someone makes a comment and you don’t know how to take it? Some people should learn to keep their comments to themselves, including those who are close to you.

Mind Your Own Business

There are just too many judgemental people out there these days, especially concerning pregnancy. Does it really matter how old the pregnant woman is or whether or not she’s still with the father? Many single mothers bring up children just as well as couples do.

Mind Your Own Business

It’s funny how many people will have negative comments when they see someone young and pregnant. It isn’t anyone else’s business, and there’s no need to be so negative and pokey when it comes to other people’s business.

Pregnancy and Superstitions

The color black is linked to many superstitions, such as black cats meaning bad luck. Only very few believe that black is a bad color and should never be worn under any circumstances.

Pregnancy and Superstitions

Then again, when someone tells you that you shouldn’t wear it during pregnancy, whether you believe in it or not, you tend to feel pretty worried afterward. It can leave you with a bad feeling, especially when it’s directed at your pregnancy.

Losing Weight During Pregnancy

It’s everyone’s dream to lose weight when they’re pregnant. Many mothers put on so much weight that they become uncomfortable. As the pregnancy continues, the weight keeps piling on no matter how healthy you eat or the amount of exercise you do.

Losing Weight During Pregnancy

Of course, losing weight when pregnant often indicates a problem, such as morning sickness or the inability to eat a normal diet. When someone loses weight during pregnancy, it isn’t the best time to congratulate them on that milestone just yet.

Not So Friendly Advice

While it’s nice to offer advice to people when they’re pregnant, sometimes it can be said in the wrong context and done in a way that can scare people. People can scare mothers, especially first-time moms.

Not So Friendly Advice

Cats have been known to cuddle up to babies to keep them warm, but scaring a mom isn’t the right way to warn them against the possibility of this occurring. Just a friendly reminder to keep an eye on the cat around the baby is all that’s needed.

Is It Any of Your Business?

Something that annoys most pregnant mothers is the fact that so many people feel the need to give input and be nasty about it. Sure, some mothers find comfort in cradling their bellies, so why does it matter if they do?

Is It Any of Your Business?

People do things for different reasons, and it’s surprising how many people add their two cents when it isn’t needed. People do things for reasons they feel they need to, and sometimes that reason isn’t always a happy one.

Friend or Foe?

Funny enough, it seems that many offensive things said to mothers come from those closest to them. Do they not think about what they’re saying, or do they just not care?

Friend or Foe?

When you’ve just had a baby, and a close friend or family member seems disinterested but is happy to make off-handed comments, you start to question whether they really are your friend or a foe.

Weight Loss

It’s nice to be told during pregnancy that you haven’t put on any weight and that you don’t look pregnant. After all, no one wants to look like an overgrown hippo during pregnancy, but it’s bound to happen. All mothers know they need to just grin and bear it until the baby is born.

Weight Loss

Unfortunately, in some cases, women don’t put weight on due to complications during pregnancy. While it might seem nice to compliment a mother and say she doesn’t look pregnant, sometimes it can be the wrong thing to say.

When People’s Feelings Don’t Matter

Sometimes, people might make remarks about you being heavy during pregnancy and compare you to large animals. It’s completely uncalled for and something no one should do to anyone, pregnant or not. It’s a form of bullying.

When People’s Feelings Don’t Matter

The truth is, some people just don’t care what they say or who they say it to, or that those people actually have feelings. It tends to hurt a little more when it comes from those close to home.

What Some People Say at Funerals

There’s a time and place to tell people certain things, and funerals aren’t one of those places. Implying that looking like you’re having triplets is unfortunate, is certainly not the thing to say to a pregnant mother.

What Some People Say at Funerals

Not all big bellies mean triplets. Plenty of moms will put more weight on the stomach area, so it might appear to some that someone is carrying more than one or two babies. Whether someone thinks that or not, there’s no reason to imply mothers are extra big in a negative way.

Not a Walk in the Park

Labor can be intense, scary, and painful. Emotions are running crazy, and the pain is severe. Sometimes, labor can go on for hours before anything happens. Getting rushed into a c-section can be very traumatic for anyone.

Not a Walk in the Park

There’s a lot to take in. When you’re going through all these emotions and pain, you want to feel reassured the doctors are on your side and that they’ll do everything to make you feel comfortable. While it doesn’t occur in all hospital visits, sometimes, women in labor are made to feel like drama queens.

No Need to Know Everything!

A few people are nice and like to offer you positive and friendly advice about labor and birth. Then, another category of mothers like to tell the most horrific labor stories like they’re talking about picnic lunches.

No Need to Know Everything!

This just adds to the fear and nervousness already awaiting pregnant women. One common fear among pregnant women is ripping below, especially with their first. Women who mention that this can happen are just plain cruel and nasty.

Don’t Touch Without Permission

A couple of people out in the world go too far when it comes to comments and personal space. Some mothers don’t mind you touching their bump, but others do. It’s something that everyone should ask permission to do but if you can refrain from doing so, then, please do.

Don’t Touch Without Permission

Even if you touch someone’s bump, you don’t add comments about the gender of the baby, nor do you put your hands anywhere else. It’s funny how people think they can just do whatever they like. Call security!

A Premature Baby

Premature babies are quite common and they occur for many reasons. There’s nothing good that you can say about a baby being born prematurely, as they’re vulnerable and at risk for many problems, such as breathing issues and low weight.

A Premature Baby

A baby born early will normally have to stay in the hospital until it’s healthy and can safely be taken home. While early labor means less carrying time, it can also be very concerning. Saying anything good about a baby that was born early is something no one should do.

No One Asked for Her Comment

There’s no doubt that when you’re pregnant, a little time to yourself goes a long way. No harm comes to anyone from playing a few slot machines, as long as they do it in moderation.

No One Asked for Her Comment

Having a day out playing the slots doesn’t mean that someone is a gambler, nor does it mean they’re throwing away their future savings. Funny, those complaining about gambling are often those who visit the slots themselves.

Don’t Always Follow Family Advice

There were times, back in the day, when money was tight and people were poor, so babies slept in a drawer or box. There was no harm in doing this, as the drawers were taken out of the cupboard when the baby was sleeping.

Don’t Always Follow Family Advice

The idea worked well, and the baby was perfectly safe in the drawer. Things are different now. There are proper cribs and so many rules and regulations for cots to avoid SIDs and suffocation. Some advice from distant relatives is helpful, but not all of it is considered safe.

Back to School

As everyone knows well, pregnancy lasts nine months and the baby grows over those nine months. As each week passes, new things occur, and everything is advancing, meaning the baby is growing. A few people, however, don’t have much of an idea about how pregnancy works.

Back to School

As the baby grows and your abdomen stretches to make more room, your abdomen will protrude more. This process is a normal part of pregnancy, but there might still be a few people who need to go back to school to learn about that one.

Morning Sickness

When you’re a new mom, things that might seem like harmless advice or friendly information can be seen as warning signs and negatives, as everything is new to you. It’s hard not to take everything seriously when everything is stressful in the first place.

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness happens during pregnancy; some mothers can have it for the first few weeks, months, or for the entire pregnancy. Some are lucky and have no morning sickness whatsoever. People might be envious, but it doesn’t mean anything is drastically wrong.

Kind of Not Funny Anymore

It’s quite common when men are aging to gain a large hard stomach. It’s also very common in those who indulge in too many fatty foods or drink lots of adult beverages. Quite a few mothers don’t like it when people refer to their pregnant bellies as a stomach that’s the same as a regular large one.

Kind of Not Funny Anymore

While it might seem funny to some people, this is a common joke that’s been overused and is hardly funny anymore. It’s a comment that many women prefer not to hear.

So Over Those Pick-Up Lines

Oddly enough, something that happens quite often is pregnant women being hit on with the most ridiculous, and sometimes offensive, pick-up lines. These poor women have heard it all.

So Over Those Pick-Up Lines

Maybe if they said they’re happy to do the first night of bottle runs or take the baby for a few hours while you sleep, they might get a second look. That would work better than the typical garbage that pregnant women simply don’t want to hear.

Baby Furniture Shopping

It’s typical to look for furniture for the baby as the pregnancy progresses. Getting everything organized is important to ensure you have what you need before the big day.

Baby Furniture Shopping

From cribs to high chairs and changing tables, going to a furniture store is your best bet to find what you need. Chances are, not everything can be found in one place and you might visit several stores. Certainly, some visits might be more memorable than others.

Not All Advice Makes Sense

It’s so nice when people offer friendly advice about your pregnancy. This is especially true for those having their first baby. In some cases, all advice is welcome. Even warnings that people share with you are important to be aware of.

Not All Advice Makes Sense

Of course, sometimes the advice people give you is the biggest bag of nonsense you’ve ever heard in your life. The advice doesn’t even make sense because what they’re worried about isn’t possible to do.

Some Grandmas Forget the Sugar Coating

Everyone loves their grandma. The delicious old-fashioned food they make, their old worn hands combing your hair and telling you fairytales before you go to sleep. There’s nothing better than going to grandma when you need advice.

Some Grandmas Forget the Sugar Coating

Nan has been around for a long time and is experienced in everything, and can offer advice on many things – including pregnancy. Well, a couple of grandmas offer advice that’s a little too blunt and without any sugar coating.

Light Exercises for Pregnancy

Many pregnant ladies like to keep active, and it’s healthy in most cases to do so if you have your doctor’s approval and the exercises are light, such as walking and yoga. Many yoga positions require a bit of flexibility, which has been deemed safe when done correctly.

Light Exercises for Pregnancy

There are some things that no mom wants to hear when they’re pregnant. Light exercise carries no risk to mothers who have a normal pregnancy, as long as they have their doctor’s approval, and it certainly doesn’t cause something so severe.

A Healthy Baby Is All That Matters

When you go into labor, it’s exciting and you can’t wait to meet your little one. You aren’t worried about gender, as long as you have a healthy baby. Most mothers would agree with this sentiment.

A Healthy Baby Is All That Matters

Advice and words of good luck are important as you head off to bring the baby into the world. Unfortunately, advice from loved ones can have you thinking twice about what they just said to you.

People Think Up Funny Things

There’s good advice from people when you’re pregnant, and then there’s the advice that makes you scrunch your face up. How do people even think of some of the things they say? Sometimes, you have to laugh at the fact they thought it was so important to even say something at all.

People Think Up Funny Things

Other times, the advice they give you can send you to bed with your head spinning as you think about what they said.

To Each Their Own

Breastfeeding is healthy for babies and offers plenty of nutrients. Baby formula is modified with the right amount of important ingredients. It does the same thing. It’s perfectly okay to give your baby formula. Not everyone believes this, and some people will lecture you about breastfeeding.

To Each Their Own

Getting a lecture about something you may or may not agree with, can be extremely frustrating. Sometimes, you just have to agree and walk away. However, some lectures can go to a new extreme and feel more like a threat than friendly advice.

Keep Your Mouth Closed

Getting married is an occasion to get excited about. Everyone is happy, and there are smiles all around. Some people might prefer to get married before or after pregnancy, and others like to get married during pregnancy. It’s a beautiful thing! Some couples feel closer as a family when getting married while pregnant, and why shouldn’t they?

Keep Your Mouth Closed

It’s no one else’s business, and those at the wedding should respect the wishes of the bride and groom. Some people are more than willing to say what they feel, even if it’s on your wedding day.

Why Are You Talking About This?

People might seem familiar to you, even if you’ve never spoken to them. So when one of those people starts a conversation about your baby bump, most would think it’ll be a positive and congratulatory conversation.

Why Are You Talking About This?

Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case. The conversation soon turned way more personal than it should have. What people decide to do with their baby’s private parts is their wish, not the wish of a random lady. How rude!

Not an Invitation

Catching up with your mom is always something to look forward to. It can be nice to have a nice lunch and a general conversation about the baby and how life is going, while sipping tea and snacking on a sandwich you’ve been craving all day.

Not an Invitation

It can be one thing when people interrupt you, but when you’re interrupted by a strange man, you might be taken back a bit. The bad part is when they try to coax you in with the worst pickup line in history. Not all pregnant moms are single, and they don’t all need a baby daddy.

Don’t Always Speak Your Mind

Not everyone will have a big baby bump in the first few months. Some things can make a baby bump look bigger, like if the mom is skinny, a bump is easier to see, or if they’re wearing a tight top that hugs the belly.

Don’t Always Speak Your Mind

Being told that you don’t look pregnant can be music to the ears, for some. For others, it can be a stressor that makes them think that their baby isn’t growing properly or that something else is wrong. Maybe don’t say those comments, just to be on the safe side.

Got Milk?

Every mom’s milk production will start when it’s good and ready. Some are early, some are a little late, and we’re all different. There’s even the odd case where milk doesn’t come in at all.

Got Milk?

The only people who should be talking to you about your milk production are friends and family close to you and your health care team. There’s no way a stranger on the street should be checking in on anyone’s milk production.

Always Seek Advice From Professionals

It’s quite common for people to tell you their positive and negative birthing stories. It may include stories from friends and family and, of course, some from random people who feel the need to tell you their experiences.

Always Seek Advice From Professionals

It’s hard to find someone willing to accept home births, as there have always been many negative warnings about them. For the most part, many people have safe and happy home births. Being told horror stories doesn’t mean it’s something to be avoided. When worried, speak to a doctor about the concerns, and don’t go by what people tell you. They’re not always right.

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